FDM vs Resin 3D Printing – Which is Better?

FDM vs Resin 3D Printing – Which is better?

Over the past few years, 3D printing has gained widespread popularity in various industries. It revolutionized manufacturing, prototyping, and even hobbies. With the development of different 3D printing technologies, FDM (fused deposition modeling) and resin 3D printing have become the main choices for enthusiasts and professionals. But which one is better? Let’s delve into the intricacies of both technologies to find out.

FDM is the more commonly used technology and works by melting and extruding thermoplastic material through a nozzle. The molten filaments are then deposited layer by layer to build the desired object. Resin 3D printing (also known as stereolithography), on the other hand, utilizes photopolymer resin that is cured by a light source (usually a UV laser or LED).

One of the key differences between FDM and resin 3D printing is the level of detail each technology can achieve. Resin 3D printing has an advantage in this regard, as it can produce highly complex and smooth surfaces, ideal for applications that require fine detail, such as jewelry, dental models, or architectural prototypes. In contrast, FDM can result in visible layer lines and a rougher surface, although advances in technology have improved its level of detail over time.

Another aspect to consider is the mechanical properties of the final print. FDM printing is generally stronger and more durable due to the use of thermoplastic materials such as ABS or PLA. These materials have been extensively tested and proven to withstand a variety of conditions. Resin prints, on the other hand, tend to be more brittle and fragile, making them less suitable for use with functional parts or objects that can withstand stress.

In terms of cost, FDM is generally more affordable compared to resin 3D printing. FDM printers are more affordable and use filament materials that are readily available and relatively cheap. On the other hand, resin printers are more expensive, and the resin itself is quite expensive. Additionally, resin 3D printing requires additional equipment, such as UV curing chambers or cleaning stations, which increases overall costs.

Speed ​​is another factor to consider. FDM printing is generally faster than resin printing because the filament can be extruded relatively quickly. Resin 3D printing involves a curing process that takes time, especially when printing thin layers or complex geometries. However, it’s worth noting that resin 3D printers have been improving in terms of speed, with newer models producing prints at faster speeds.


To sum up, both FDM and resin 3D printing have their own advantages and disadvantages. FDM is better suited for functional parts that require strength and durability, and is a cost-effective option. Resin 3D printing, on the other hand, offers superior detail and surface finish, making it ideal for artistic and high-precision applications. Ultimately, the choice between the two technologies depends on the specific requirements of the current project.

Post time: Dec-02-2023